25 April, 2012

Harry's Wedding

Anzac day in the Waiarapa for Harry's wedding.  The children's highlight, being face painted. 
Congratulations Harry and Lu (and Andre) - wish you all the best and amazing advertures together

08 April, 2012

Oscar's 6th Birthday

Monsters to eat

Monsters playing "eyeball and spoon"

Make a wish Oscar!

Graveyard to take home
A monster party for lots of little monsters.  Very noisy afternoon in the monster cave.  There were all sorts of goodies to eat... tenticles, eyeballs, bones, dirt.  Some of the boys were not keen to take a graveyard home to eat.  Happy birthday Oscar

07 April, 2012

Deck building

The posts are going in, but the cobbles are still there.

Ripping down the portico

Lifting the cobbles

New look frontage sans portico and cobbles
What shall we do this Easter?  I know, build a deck, but first of all have to make a few changes out the front, pull down the prissy little portico, and lift the cobbles.