20 July, 2013

Ice Skating

The ice skating rink is back, so of course we had to go in the school holidays.  Tighe and Quinn are so much more confident this year.  My foot still hurts from the swollen tendon, so I used the Zima Frames, and that made it a little more comfortable for me.  Fun, Fun, Fun!

Look how fast now Mama!

Merit Award

Found out I won a merit award at the Taupo Fibre Art Festival - Super Excited

03 July, 2013

Gina's birthday

The eldest, (and most expensive) is 18 today.  "A rainbow cake please Mama!"
I considered getting her 18 bars of chocolate, but the boys said 9 would be enough.
Happy Birthday Gina!  May this year be filled with lots of fun and adventures.