24 November, 2013

Taste of Summer

Scorching sun, and the ciccadas are chirping.  Had to cool off at the lake on Sunday.  The boys certainly are lapping up the warmer weather, reclining on Vlad, and enjoying strawberries.
Quinn, Vlad, and Munchos
Tighe's favorite rock
Tighe and Strawberries

23 November, 2013

Exploring in the Forest

Sometimes it's nice to get off the MTB, and explore the edges of the tracks.  Inspired by the boulders and the ridgeline, we made a small detour.  Gorse, and blackberry didn't stop us.  The views were great.  The fallen down tree made a great bridge to view the forest canapy below.  There was even a stream at the bottom.

MTB carpark
Challenge track
At the top of the boulders
Squeezing through the gap

Silver Fern
Fallen down tree makes a great bridge
Discovered a stream
Blue Damselfly

17 November, 2013

Two little boys...

We had the privilege of Willem and Hendrik visiting over the weekend, while their Mum and Dad, had some adult time.
I'm Stuck
Doing the bum shuffle Willem
Willem teasing stuck Hendrik