28 August, 2016

Tighe's 11th Birthday Party

The candles were the 're-light" ones, so lots of laughs for Tighe trying to blow them out.
 The urchins played 10 Pin in the garage.  It was very competitive.

 Boys in blue waiting to bowl the ball.
 Quinn created the clues for the treasure hunt.  Some were harder to find than others.
 There was lots of yummy food, lots of urchins to eat it, and Tighe was thankfull for all his gifts.

 The weather was fantastic, so we moved the food out onto the deck, and enjoyed the festivities there.
Happy Birthday Tighe
 Tighe took a wonderful time unwrapping each gift, and thanking the giver.

24 August, 2016

Happy birthday Tighe and Ruth

Tighe and I decided to share our birthday cake this year.

A pinata cake.

A hollow cake of chocolate, filled with mini chocolate bars.  Perfect for Tighe and Ruth.

Happy birthday Tighe!  I hope this year is full of fun and adventures.

19 August, 2016

Tough Guy/Gal Challenge

 Tighe tried this out.  He came home first in his age group. Lots of mud.
 After the obstacle course, they had to run up the hill.
Wearing a white shirt has it's advantages, I can see him on the hill.
 Getting ready to get wet in the stream.

 Running in the stream, and onto the mud.

 Through some tunnels, the white shirt isn't so white any more.

 On the final run home, go Tighe and Austin!
Washing the mud off afterwards

 Well done Tighe. Congratulations on completing the Tough Guy challenge.

 The first back got to use the hot pools before the rest of the 1200 children.
 When they got out, more children had turned up

18 August, 2016

Tighe's acting debut - EVITA

Joseph, Tighe, Melissa, Logan
Tighe thought he might like to try acting, so he auditioned for EVITA, with the Rotorua Musical Theatre, and got a part as a child of Buenos Aires.
 Tighe learnt so much about the theatre, and the different roles of the actors, and the crew.  It was a fun time.
Children waiting for make up

Children waiting for their act

The Buenos Aires children
 One of the scenes required the children to be part of a choir.

 Some nice touches from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.

 Waiting again, for the funeral scene.

Emma "the mistress" and Tighe
Tighe enjoying churros at Che Choritzo after the show