31 October, 2017

Halloween 2017

 My favourite celebration.  Halloween.
 The urchins helped make the treats, and I also got in some chili candy from the USA
 Tighe's pirate costume is finished, and looks fabulous.
 Erik sat in the chair for too long!
 At least the decorations match the rest of the cobwebs around the house.
 Spooky ghosts created by the urchins.
 "Poos and wees"

 Anneke and Nicole really got into the blood.
Trick or treat!

22 October, 2017

Pirate in the kitchen

Tighe's costume is finished, so he made some cookie dought to celebrate.
He didn't share - PIRATE!
 The boots and trousers Tighe found in a second hand shop.
 The coat was shortened, pleated, and a belt and buttons added.
 The red sash hold the Flintlocks, and other weapons.
 The shirt really worked well, Tighe added a hood.
Pirate costume / inspired by Edward Kenway in Assasin Creed - xbox game.
Tighe likes the brooch
Sleeve detail and pleats on coat