31 August, 2019

Textile works by Ruth


I got some feedback from the Quilt Exhibition in the USA. 
" I saw your quilt today at The World Quilt Exhibition in Springfield , Massachusetts.....it was so beautiful and moving. Thank you. I wanted to let you know that all the people standing around it were very contemplative and were very moved. Mary Anne, Virginia.

23 August, 2019

Tighe's Birthday

 Wow, my baby is 14. Happy birthday Tighe.

 Lots of cake was eaten today.
 A limo pick up after school, some junk food shopping, and then lighting the fire out back.
 A couple of the urchins had not been with a fire before, and live streamed it on Insta!
 All fire attendees needed a stick.

 They even cooked sausages, and later mashmellows. It was a great fire, and party.
Happy birthday Tighe! I hope this year is full of fun and adventures.

17 August, 2019

50th Year Project

To celebrate my 50th year, I asked my friends and family to make me a heart. Over the past year, I have recieved all these hearts.  I have started sewing them together into a quilt, so I can wrap myself up in all the love.  I don't think I will get it finished for my 51th!

05 August, 2019