30 March, 2020

Staying Home - Saving Lives - Covid 19 Pandemic

Sunrise on first day of Lockdown
 “We have 103 cases, so did Italy once.” Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister.  23 March 2020. Italy is the virus epicenter of Europe, with 6,600 deaths and 700 new deaths a day.  New Zealand will go into lockdown for 4 weeks from 25thMarch 2020. Only essential services will be open – medical services, supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations. We have to shelter in place, and stay in our "bubble", the people we share our home with for the next 4-5 weeks.
 The children will be doing their school work by electronic classroom. This is how they kept track of their assignments. We also expected them to do an hour of outside activity a day.
I decided to work on my art projects, and took advantage of the great weather to work outside.
 On our walks, we picked up fire making supplies.
 Sometimes you just need to light a fire.
 I also took the opportunity to watch a caterpillar metamorphose in to a butterfly.
 Thankful to be in Lockdown in New Zealand.  Lots of people going for walks and bike rides, and staying in their bubbles.