25 July, 2020

Blue Springs - Te Waihou Walkway

Walked in the short end from Leslie Road. I suspect there are more than one spring along this waterway.
 Reminds me of the stream in Haumarana, and the water is so clear.
 Loving the blues and greens.
 The patterns the water grass makes are therapeutic, and I could just keep watching them forever.
 Since swimming has been banned for the past year, the stream has recovered, and look at all the water grass. The ducks were enjoying it, and I also saw some shags looking for fish.

 Grabbed a quick bite at the "Wooden Farmer" in Putaruru. A pork slider for me...,
 and a Moroccan chicken salad for him.
 Popped into "Over the Moon" cheese factory, and left with a kilo of triple cream brie. Now to find some Bread Asylum sour dough to spread it on. Devine.

13 July, 2020

Ice Skating - Taupo

 It's been a few years since we have been ice skating. Taupo had a rink, so we made the most of it for the school holidays.
 I fell over twice, and managed to get an awesome bruise on my buttocks.  The urchins can now skate faster than me.
 There were some spectacular falls by Tighe, and a crash involving a dad and a small girl.  Everyone survived.

 Anneke practised going backwards. Fortunately there weren't too many small children about.
After a lunch of burgers and chips, we soaked at Waikite hot Pools for the rest of the day.