Celebrating Tighe's 15th birthday required a visit to Zombieland, up in the Mamakus.
It's about a 1/2 hour drive from Rotorua.
His friends all kitted up in safety gear, as well as coveralls to protect them from the paint balls.Tight got shot in the eyes, thank goodness for the mask.
The lads started with 150 balls each in their guns. I got an extra 1000 balls. So 1900 balls were fired in a couple of hours.
The game was "capture the zombie body parts".
The lads all looked the same, so I wasn't sure who was who, which team was winning.
I also got caught in the crossfire too.(I was also wearing mask and protective helmet)
At the end, the lads had to debrief, and give a blow by blow account of all the game play.
Jack, Cookie, Dion, Alwyn, Kevin, and Tighe