26 September, 2020

Tulips and Poppies


Every year I go to the Government Gardens, Rotorua. and take hundreds of photos of tulips. This year, poppies were also planted. A fabulous display of Spring.

I got distracted by the bumblebees. They were flirting with the poppies.
Pukekos also live near the pond at the Government Gardens.
I can never decide, which tulip display I like the most.
I am sure the urchins laugh at all my tulip photos.  "They come up every year, at the same time".

I like how the sun shines through the petals, and they glow.
Tulips and poppies!

Tulip centre detail

I got distracted by the bumble bees flying from flower to flower to flower...

The Art and History Museum makes a great background for the tulips.

13 September, 2020

Spring in September

Taking the time to stop and smell the flowers.  The birds, especially the tuis and korimakos have been making the most of all the nectar.

Wandering the Tree Trust, amongst the cherry trees, the trail is lined with daffodils

The hillside in Centennial Park was dotted with daffodils

The trees are naked, waiting for their new leaves
The tuis were loving all the kowhai flowers and cherry blossoms

11 September, 2020

Bird Helpers

Whenever I am in my lady cave, the birds like to "help"

Smokey Kenway likes to hide underneath the sewing machine.

Total Annihilation prefers to pull all the pins from the cushion, and throw them on the ironing board.

Ratbag is extremely particular about the round headed pins, and prefers to  pull them out instead of the flat flower headed pins.

01 September, 2020

Spring in the Evening

It's Spring. Grateful to be in New Zealand, safe, and far away from the Covid-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world.

All new arrivals into New Zealand have to quarantine for 2 weeks at a designated hotel. They get tested on Day 3 and Day 12. So far, the virus has been contained at the border.