31 July, 2022

Christchurch Catch up


Took the opportunity to spend some time with Gina and Quinn in Christchurch.  Anneke flew in from Wellington, and I flew down from Rotorua. So much fun! 
Plenty of snow on the mountain ranges.

Quinn showed us around his university.

Gina and me in the wind

Extra snow on the way home.
Kaikoura Ranges with plenty of snow.

30 July, 2022

JPC Ball 2022

JPC Ball 2022, and Tighe decided on all black. Jacket, waistcoat, tie, pants.  Details are the silver cuff links

Tighe is such a handsome boy. I love him so much.

Tighe's first ball. Very handsome in black, black, and black. Celeste looks fabulous too.

Max, Xavier, Tighe and JPC principal Justin Harper

Max, Jake, William, and Tighe

Tighe and Max