Song written and performed by Tighe's school friends.
Te Waiata - Tighe
Aue te mamae, o te manawa, ki to wehenga
Hoki wairua mai ra, kia mātou, mātou o hoa, Hoani Paora.
E tangi tonu nei, te manawa, ki to wehenga ia mātou, upoko pakari.
He aha te tikanga o, te tanga aroha e, Mou e Tighe e, hoki wairua mai ra e.
E Tighe e, te upoko, upoko pakari, ko koe tērā.
E tangi tonu nei, te manawa, ki to wehenga ia mātou, upoko pakari.
Hoki wairua mai ra, kia mātou, mātou o hoa, Hoani Paora.
E tangi tonu au, Mou e Tighe e, hoki wairua mai ra e Taku parata moe mai ra i te aroha.
Te Waiata – Tighe
The pain from our broken hearts is real because of your departure.
Tighe you were an inquisitive minded person.
Watch over us, your friends of John Paul College.
Our hearts still mourn because of your departure from here, inquisitive one.
How can this pain, this hurt we are feeling for you Tighe, be right, please return to us.
Tighe we were an inquisitive minded person.
Our hearts still mourn because of your departure from here, inquisitive one.
Watch over us, your friends of John Paul College.
My heart still mourns for you Tighe, return to us.
Rest in Love my brother.