31 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 6 - Friday

Woke up feeling better, but expect a migraine is on it's way.  Wet and foggy, Erik is off on a ride with Greg.  It was another long ride in Marin County, headed south this time. Four major hill climbs, a total of 1,000 metres of climbing. The final big hill almost killed him, and he ended up having to walk parts of it. That makes four big rides in five days.  Erik is a little weary, and needs a rest.
I walked around in the mist and rain, discovering more of Muir Beach.  Reminds me of parts of Raglan and Ruapuke.  The pine trees make it feel like NZ, and there is manuka in flower in neighbours' gardens.  Apparently several NZers live here.
Mailboxes at the bottom of the hill

View of SFO from the deck
Erik was catching up with Greg, Devon and Dom, so I spent the afternoon with Denise, just doing errands.  Found some more napkin rings, discounted Christmas decorations, and some wooden spice boxes.  I enjoy Mill Valley, it has a lovely village feel to it.  In the late afternoon it is dark enough to enjoy the outdoor budlight decorations.  A winter christmas.
Red Velvet Cupcake
Had a hot chocolate late in the afternoon with a red velvet cupcake.  It was deep red all the way through, had lemon frosting, and was very very sweet.
A quick dinner of left overs, then a Nashi pear and Graham cracker to finish.  Taste similar to a Digestive biscuit.
Early night for Erik.

30 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 5 - Thursday

Wet and foggy, and cold.  Went into the big smoke today.  Rode in with Greg, and he dropped us off on Powell street.  It's a concrete jungle in downtown SFO.  Tall buildings, cable cars, trams, buses, limos, and people, heaps of people.  Managed to find a jacket for Gina at H&M, shoes for Erik and myself at Clarkes.  The department store dome ceiling had a snowflake light display.
1 Market St

1 Market st

Walked to 1 Market street, to meet Greg for lunch.  Also met Erik's collegues for the first time, Dom and Devin.  Wandered around the farmers market at the Ferry building.  Different types of squash (pumpkin) and I was fascinated by the variety of mushrooms available.

Visited Greg's office on the 41st floor.  Great view of the Bay Bridge and the Embarcadero.
Bay Bridge in the fog

Looking down on the ferry building

Looking down the Embarcadero

Greg dropped me back on Geary st, where I checked out Britex Fabrics.

 4 floors of wonderful fabrics, 1 whole floor dedicated to buttons.  The walls are just covered with different buttons, all in colour groups.

Union Square had a gigantic decorated tree.  Gina would love this district.  In one block there is ...Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Juicy, Marc Jacobs, LV, Bulberry, Armani, and Dior.  These were the names I recognise.  A clothes and shoe shoppers expensive paradise.

Union Square

Macy's Department store, 16th birthday Limo

Unfortunately, I felt ill on the drive back, so didn't really appreciate the drive through the Muir Woods valley.
Early night for me, Erik cooked Tom Yum Gai for Denise and Greg.   Hopefully I will feel better in the morning.

29 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 4 - Wednesday

Woke up not tired, so that is great.  Missing the children today.  
Erik had another amazing day mountain-biking on Mount Tam. Rode a 35km circuit up the mountain and down the other side, then up the famous Eldridge Grade to the top and back down the way we came. 

Learned what "technical firebreak roads" look like...incredibly rocky and lots of opportunities for serious crashes. Managed it all, exhausted but crash-free.

I did what I do best ... I went shopping in Berkley with Denise. Nice not to have to drive today.  Found some more fabric, but no jelly rolls.  
Started my collection of napkin rings, a pewter fish, and a brass leaf.  Discovered some Finnish Fabric that I want to make the napkins out of.  It was heavily discounted from $US45.00 per yard down to $3.95 yard.  A bargain.
Denise is a wonderful guide, and I appreciated her assistance today.  Had lunch at Bette's, a small diner.  Had a Cuban, which is bascially a ham and cheese filled roll, toasted.  Very yum.  Denise had a Lox roll, which had salmon and cream cheese.
Weird at this time of year, but found a bat cookie cutter, pumpkin cookie cutter, and some halloween templates.  Perfect. 
Different types of pumpkins (squash) at the supermarket
Still looking for toys for the children, but Lego is the same price in US$ as NZ$ so no luck.  Found some Christmas decorations 50% off, so got some, and also some small sockettes, to make an advent calender with next year.  Found some linen for the childrens' beds, - a zebra print, "My Little Pony" and "Star Wars".
Also found an "all over hole punch" with snowflakes.  I would like to make some lumineries next winter with it.
Bought perfume for Gina, and discovered a perfume called "Gina". Top notes: pink pepper, bergamot, tangerine.  Middle notes: peony, wild raspberry, white lily, and Base notes: patchouli, tonka bean, vanilla - I like it.
Soup for dinner, and an early night for Erik, for some reason he is quite exhausted, something about riding up 2 major mountain hills today.

San Francisco Day 3 - Tuesday

Erik enjoyed a solo ride up Mount Tam.  Had lunch at Hi Tech Buritos, which are huge burritos wrapped in tinfoil to keep everything hot.  I had a classic chicken, with black beans and rice.  Eirk tried the Godzilla, with beef, chicken, and veges.  Very nice.
Still getting used to driving the car, and got honked at a couple of times.   Managed to stall it once at a major intersection.  Scary stuff.
Erik managed to spend more than me today.  Bike helmet, jacket, and gloves.  I found plenty of quilting stuff, and bought 17 different fabrics.
Took the scenic trip home via the Mt Tam Panaramic Highway.  Zigzaggy, wonderful trees, and spectacular scenery. 
 Loved it.  Perhaps I drove it a little fast for Erik. At the end, watched the sun sink down into the Pacific Ocean.  Glorious.  The sky stayed pink all the way home.

Sasha and Ila were there, so got to meet Greg's girls.
Dinner of leftovers - which Erik jazzed up wonderfully with Ginger, rice wine and a splash of lemon.
Still tired so another early night.

28 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 2 - Monday

Woke up 8.30, still tired and dehydrated from the flight.
Foggy and 8 degrees in the morning. Erik and Greg and Pete Castello rode Coyete ridge 2 1/2 hours.

 I explored Muir beach environs. Saw deer and a pelican. Heated up to 14 degrees and the mist lifted. Small beach and lots of dogs. There are a lot of European cars in the driveways.

Picked up the Saab and drove into Sausalito. Nerve wracking to begin with, as it was a right handed manual, and I had to drive in the other side of the road!
Foggy, damp, and cold, Sausalito similar to the Mount, yachts, ferraris and limos, and other European cars, so the Saab fitted in well.
Found a fabulous bakery for lunch and the fog lifted, so could see SFO on the other side of the bay. Will take the ferry over at some stage.
Hot vegies, grilled cheese, apple roll up, bakalava

Explored Sausalito on foot, plenty of art galleries, cafes, and jewelry stores. Found an expensive shop that sold sculpture. I really liked a water feature that had 3 turtles, 1 dolphin, 2 fish, and an anchor. It was ceramic and over 6ft tall. $US65,400. A bit over priced.  The local Sausalito shops had a Gingerbread house competition, this was my favourite one.

Love the whale!

Visited a supermarket on the way home, US$ rock melon 1.29 lb, sweet potato $1.99 lb, wild salmon 21.99 lb.
Gets dark around 5ish.
Can see the lights of SFO from the balcony. Awesome.

27 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 1 - Sunday - Christmas Day

Arrived 10am Christmas day. A long boring uncomfortable Air Nz flight. Greg picked us up, and we had a wonderful Asian soup meal on Clement street.
The Golden Gate bridge was foggy and the drive to Muir beach windy.
The Barrel is warm and cozy. Greg's girls, Sasha and Ila will be here later in the week. Erik went for a short ride to test a borrowed bike out, and I caught up with Denise.
Jet lagged, in bed by 7.30pm.
View of interior of Barrel

25 December, 2011

Christmas 2011

Santa arrived, he had 2 trees to put gifts under.  Looks like everyone was on the "good" list this year.

Pasta drying rack made by Erik

12 December, 2011

End of year Gym

Congratulations Oscar.
Highly commended for your year at MIGS.
Well done!

11 December, 2011

Boys and Bubbles

Sometimes it is really difficult to get the boys to wash, and sometimes it is really difficult to get them out of the bath.
Bubble boy

10 December, 2011

Christmas food Part 2

Gina was here this weekend, so we made some more Hail bark, but with Peppermint Candycanes on the left, and Fruit Candycanes on the right.  Gina also swirled in some white chocolate to see what would happen.

Putting up the Christmas Trees

The Tree that Quinn Built
 How many Christmas trees should a home have?  1, 2,...5 or more.  Slowly Christmas trees have been emerging within the house.  Quinn has one in his bedroom, there is one in the Dining room. Tighe wants a larger one in his bedroom, the one in the Lounge has dragonflies on it, and Quinn built one today.  Anneke wants one in her bedroom, and Oscar hasn't said.
The Tree in the Lounge
Dining Room Tree

Join 6 coat hangers together, and attach some budlights to the skeleton frame.  Using 12 metres of tinsel, wrap the tree, being careful of the lights.  Attach the decorations, turn the lights on - perfect for the courtyard.
The tree skeleton and bud lights
Attaching the tinsel
Putting on the decorations