28 December, 2011

San Francisco Day 2 - Monday

Woke up 8.30, still tired and dehydrated from the flight.
Foggy and 8 degrees in the morning. Erik and Greg and Pete Castello rode Coyete ridge 2 1/2 hours.

 I explored Muir beach environs. Saw deer and a pelican. Heated up to 14 degrees and the mist lifted. Small beach and lots of dogs. There are a lot of European cars in the driveways.

Picked up the Saab and drove into Sausalito. Nerve wracking to begin with, as it was a right handed manual, and I had to drive in the other side of the road!
Foggy, damp, and cold, Sausalito similar to the Mount, yachts, ferraris and limos, and other European cars, so the Saab fitted in well.
Found a fabulous bakery for lunch and the fog lifted, so could see SFO on the other side of the bay. Will take the ferry over at some stage.
Hot vegies, grilled cheese, apple roll up, bakalava

Explored Sausalito on foot, plenty of art galleries, cafes, and jewelry stores. Found an expensive shop that sold sculpture. I really liked a water feature that had 3 turtles, 1 dolphin, 2 fish, and an anchor. It was ceramic and over 6ft tall. $US65,400. A bit over priced.  The local Sausalito shops had a Gingerbread house competition, this was my favourite one.

Love the whale!

Visited a supermarket on the way home, US$ rock melon 1.29 lb, sweet potato $1.99 lb, wild salmon 21.99 lb.
Gets dark around 5ish.
Can see the lights of SFO from the balcony. Awesome.

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