19 June, 2011

Rainbow Quilters Quilt Show

Rotorua Quilters had their bi-annual show and it was as inspirational as always.  I had missed seeing alot of the quilts being created, as I was busy painting bedrooms.
Tighe's Insect quilt, and Gina's Awesome quilt were included.
Bed Bug Buddies

The Awesome One

10 June, 2011

Painting the bedrooms

Gina wanted a "feeling like I was at the beach" room, Quinn wanted bold and graphic and an illusion, Tighe wanted an Egyptian room.  Not much to ask really.
Gina's Wardrobe

Tighe's Wardrobe

Went for a weathered wood grain effect for Gina, Quinn's is black and blue and bold.  We will create an Escher type illusion later, and for Tighe, the boys painted bricks/ blocks on the wardrobe.  Queen's birthday was busy, busy, busy.

Did I mention I am exhausted now.

03 June, 2011

Praying mantis

I don't know how he does it, but Tighe manages to find praying mantis, and they always seem to climb on his head.

02 June, 2011

Quinn's 8th Birthday

Happy Birthday Quinn.  It was great that Luke, Hamish and Devon came and helped you celebrate your 8th birthday.  You will need to look hard for the cake, it is camouflaged.
The boys unwrapping gifts.

Where is the cake?
Happy Birthday Quinn!