14 February, 2012

Valentines Day - Why I don't celebrate...

Why I don't celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is supposed to be a day where we pay special attention to our loved one, buying flowers and gifts and generally spoiling them. The idea is to remind those we love just how much we love them.

But shouldn't every day be like this? Love isn't something you celebrate just once a year -- every moment of every day should be a celebration. I'm always treating my love as if it was Valentine's Day, in the way I prepare dinner, open the car door for her, sneak a candy in beside the hot drink I make for her, send her love notes at work, surprise her with unexpected gifts, even the way I look at her when she wakes up in the morning. If I needed some artificial date on which to proclaim my love, then that love wouldn't be worth very much.

I love my wife constantly -- shouldn't I show it constantly too?

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