01 December, 2012

Advent Calender 2012

        What have you got planned for the countdown to Christmas this year...these are our activities in the advent calender.
1.        Make some Christmas foods.
2.         Have a candlelit dinner
3.        Smile at every person you pass today.
4.         Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger
5.        Write Christmas cards for Friends and Family
6.        Celebrate St. Nicholas Day! December 6th. Discover the story behind Santa Claus
7.        Make Christmas Decorations
8.        Decorate the Christmas tree
9.        Put up Christmas decorations
10.     Do something around the house to make life easier for a family member. Whether it’s picking up a sibling’s toys, or helping clean up the kitchen, do something nice for each other.
11.     Have breakfast for dinner (scrambled eggs, pancakes etc)
12.     Have a picnic dinner at the Tree Trust
13.      Donate toys, books, and clothes to Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity
14.     Go to Carols by Candlelight and listen to Oscar play Ukulele
15.     Discover how Nana, Oma, Nan and Granddad celebrated Christmas as a child.
16.     Watch The Nutcracker or How the Grinch Stole Christmas eating popcorn
17.     Visit the Wearable Arts Exhibition at the Muesum
18.     Family Movie Night
19.     Drive around and look at the Christmas lights in your PJs
20.     Wear PJs all day
21.     Make play dough
22.     Celebrate the Longest Day – Summer Solstice
23.     Make Gingerbread windows
24.     Go for a bike ride or fly kites together

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