29 January, 2013

Hammocks and Sunshine

Summer and me, and the hammock and Sunshine.  I re-did the cover of the hammock.  Sunshine has decided it belongs to her.  I think she has missed the hammock.Great way to spend the afternoons in the garden.

The butterflies joined us

26 January, 2013

Day 6 Trans Andes Challenge 2013

Time, 8:11:24. Erik said the dust and 30 degree, and the crazy steep hills were "Epic" all right!  Race time 3.16 placed 94.
Overall, Erik and Greg were placed 3rd in their Category.  At the prize giving, one of the winning Columbia riders swapped shirts with Erik.

The BBQ at the end of the race!

23 January, 2013

Day 3 Trans Andes Challenge

Stage 3
We made it! It was amazing...20km of non-stop climbing, then in the monkey puzzle tree forest, then a huge descent. Lots of fun. Finished in 5:45. Placed 98.
The bike was ok...had to push a little harder, might pay for that tomorrow. Not so insanely hot: "only" mid 30's.
Meals here are awful...food as fuel. I'm eating cool pasta with no sauce, a big lump of grilled chicken, and a huge pile of beetroot and tomato. Lunch and dinner are the same every day. Sick of it.

The salubrious sleeping arrangements

22 January, 2013

Day 2 Trans Andes Challenge 2013

Bad day today...broke my derailleur and couldn't finish the stage. Greg went on. I've jury-rigged a repair so I can ride tomorrow.
It was an adventure of a different kind today; got a lift to the second camp and the road was blocked by a landslide...had to turn around and make a huge detour. My body is a bit stiff but otherwise fine. Not sure how much stamina I have in my legs though.
I'd stripped my derailleur hanger and my replacement was the wrong shape. Took 2 hours to figure out how to bolt a new derailleur to the old hanger. The service technician gave up right away...I finally got a bolt that would fit and convinced home it would work. Really used the old Kiwi ingenuity today.

Gregs race time 6.50.  Placed 100.

21 January, 2013

Trans Andes Challenge Day 1

The race started on a Ferry ride across the lake, and ended at the end of a swing bridge.  Lots of hills.  Erik's race time 7.50.  Placed 108 out of 150.

A hill climb

19 January, 2013

Huilo-Huilo Chile

Erik needed a place to sleep the jetlag off for the next two days before the race.

18 January, 2013

Trans Andes Mountain Bike Challenge 2013

The ultimate mountain bike endurance race.  Erik has been training for this since August 2012.  He's off to Chile for 2 weeks, and spending 6 of them riding a mountain bike up Mountains in 40+ degree heat.  There are 150 competitors from 27 countries.   Erik is the only one from NZ.   Greg is keeping him company (it was Greg's idea in the first place!)
Auckland Airport Goodbyes
Watching luggage being loaded

Auckland Zoo

With Erik off to Chile, we went to the Zoo. 
Galapagos Turtles - really big!
Inside the dragon's mouth
Tighe really liked the Flamingoes
Riding the elephant
Cheetah with Tighe and Quinn

15 January, 2013

Tadpoles and Frogs

The tadpoles are maturing, and frogs are now occupying the pond.  Lily, and Flouro are croaking in the evenings.  Floyd still has his tadpole tail.

11 January, 2013

Hamilton zoo continued


A Zebra for Tighe

A tiger for Tighe


Rhino and baby


Zoo time

School holidays, so we all went on a visit to Hamilton Zoo.  Great selection of animals.

Tighe, Quinn, and Cheetah

Cheetah the meat eater

Tree Frog