29 September, 2013

Lucy's First Birthday

Can't quite believe it, but Cousin Lucy is One!  The year has flown by, and she has grown up so fast.  The cousins all travelled far and wide to wish her happy birthday!
Lucy, Tighe, Quinn, Oscar, Carenza

28 September, 2013

Hibinating Frog

An amazing morning...Tighe, Quinn, Oscar, and myself, watch Lily emerge from Hibination.  At first we thought it was a shoot from one of the plants, but it had eyes!  Exciting!

21 September, 2013

Hockey is over!

It's been the first year that Tighe and Quinn have played hockey.  Interestingly, Tighe wanted to play, and Quinn decided he "might as well too".
The boys had a great season.  The Lions came Third in the Finals.  First time achievement for the Otonga School at that level.  Tighe impressed with his dribbling skills all season, and was awarded "Significant Contribution" for the Lions team.  He loves scoring Goals.
Excited Tighe with his Award

 Quinn's team managed to achieve A grade status, and they came Third in the Finals.  First time for the Otonga School.  Quinn was also awarded "Significant Contribution" for the Panthers Team.  Hannah, Dom, Quinn, Ethan, and Scott all worked well to score goals for the team.

It was a fun time, and the parents and supporters enjoyed watching the teams grow and develop together.

Congratulations Quinn and Tighe - Well done!

14 September, 2013

Moon Cakes

It was the Chinese festival recently, and I learn't how to make moon cakes.  It was challenging as I don't speak Chinese, the lady who was leading the demonstration spoke little english, but it was fun, and we all laughed a lot.
First, make your "moons".
Make a stuffing out of nuts and dried fruit.  It doesn't matter what you use, just pulse it altogether in the foodprocessor.  Add a little golden syrup or honey to bind.  eg  almonds, apricots, mango, walnuts, peanut, seasme, raisins, sultanas.  Say 1/2 cup nuts, and 1/2 cup dried fruit.  Make small balls out of the stuffing, and put aside.

2. Make the moon cake "skin"
cooking oil 175 mls
golden syrup 500ml (1x plastic squeeze bottle of golden syrup)
flour 750g
baking soda 2tsp dissolved in a little water

Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Add a little more water if too dry.  Use hands to mix the dough together.  It will become smooth.
Take about a TBSP amount of dough, and shape like a "cup" using your thumb.  Put in "moon" and mould the skin around making a ball.  Use a pressure mould to shape.  Press quite firmly.
Once all the moon cakes are made,
Preheat oven to 150 Deg C.  Bake for about 15 mins, remove from oven, brush with beaten egg yolk, and bake for another 5 minutes.

Well, I overcooked mine, forgot to put the beaten egg on, and they tasted delicious.  Now all I have to do is find a biscuit mould to shape the mooncakes - probably from an Asian store in Hamilton next time we are in the Waikato.

02 September, 2013

Spring and Sadness

The last 12 months have been a tough emotional roller coaster.  They have been filled with blessings, excitement, and tears, and devastated hearts.  A friend sent me this poem, for all our blessings that have earned their Angel wings.
How quietly you tiptoed into our world.  Softly, only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts.

 Spring has begun, and reminds me that a new year is here, full of promise...

01 September, 2013

See Saw

Quinn and Tighe always like to see who can go the highest.  Now they like to see who can travel the furthest.