31 October, 2014

Happy Halloween

I have come to realise, that we not only make memories for our children, but we make memories for other children as well.  Our Birthday parties and other Celebrations form part of their childhood too.  Every child should have a special childhood memory.
Recently our house has been called "the Celebration House" by children.  It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to enable fun, wonder, and laughter in children's lifes.
Quinn's school friends asked if they could help in Halloween preparations this year, and Labour Weekend Monday worked well for that.  They made creepy crawlies, bones, and suggested Teddy vehicles.  McKinley started making Teddy Boats!  The white chocolate for the bones didn't get smooth or runny enough, so we made ghosts instead.
Teddy vehicles, and boats
The bones that become ghosts
 On the menu for 2014, Mummy pizzas, severed fingers, ghosts, more ghosts, bones, creepy crawlies, Vampire Pee or Wee, (it was L&P), Teddy vehicles, eyeballs, jackolanterns, and RIP grave muffins.
Mummy Pizzas
Several "monsters" joined us in the celebrations; McKinley, Christian, Caleb, Oliver, Patrick, and Andrew.  It was so noisy, I think they scared the scariness away!

27 October, 2014

Purple cat

Tighe's class have their art work displayed in the hall.
 Tighe's cat is a little battle scarred. 

25 October, 2014

Green Screen

Quinn and Tighe got to try out the Green Screen technology at Armageddon in Auckland today.

21 October, 2014

Maketu rock pool school trip

Tighe's class ventured to Maketu today, to study the rock pools. There were plenty of shells, and rocks, and water for boys to get wet in.
Cameron and Tighe looking for sea stars...
Found some!
Tighe, (and lots of other childern as well) was more interested in the dead shark on shore, than the rock pools.  Tighe and his friends spent about an hour burying the shark.

18 October, 2014

Hockey Prizegiving 2014

Most of the players with their trophies and medals.
Congratulations Tighe and Quinn.  A fantastic year and fabulous hockey.
 Quinn was awarded "Significant Contribution" for the second year in a row.  Well done Quinn!
 Tighe's team achieved Winner in their Grade.  Exciting!
Very proud of you Tighe, excellent result for your team.

17 October, 2014

RIP Diva

Sadly, after 18 years, Diva passed away.  He battled lukemia for the past month, and will be sadly missed by the family.

13 October, 2014

In need of Hope

This past month has to be the toughest yet.  Excitement, and then tears.  How many tears does a body hold.
Our Angel grew her wings, and has joined the Stars.  It's so sad, tough emotionally. I wonder if we will ever achieve a full term miracle.  Hope seems so distant at the moment.
Lily and Jasmine are in flower.  Perhaps a fitting name for our lost precious.
Dandelions symbolise Hope, and Wishes Come True.  I need more dandelions in my life.

11 October, 2014

Quinn's eye lashes

I knew they were long, but I managed to capture them today, while we were outside chasing praying mantis.
"got my eye on you"

10 October, 2014