29 April, 2015

An unexpected visitor

The crunching of the branches indicated that there was a large visitor in the tree.  Was a new cat in the neighbourhood exploring, or just one of ours trying to catch a bird.  When I saw a large parrot, I couldn't quite believe it. A kaka in the back yard! 
I am fascinated by the yellow cheek (just like a cockietiel)
Later in the day, the Kaka returned, and spent some time pruning the trees near Erik's office.  We all got the chance for a closer look. 

28 April, 2015

Birds and Cats growing up...

 The additions to the family have grown, and get into so much mischief.  We love them though!
Frankenstein has developed  a taste for "bird"
Quinn has changed the name of Kenway to Smokey.  We are getting used to the new name.
 Quinn and Smokey spend lots of time outside in the garden.
Total loves the feijoa trees.  I think she would spend all day in them, sniping the leaves off, one by one.

Cat Alert!

18 April, 2015

Oscars 9th birthday Party

Little boys and a sleepover (awake over!).  Oscar wanted a TNT cake from Minecraft, and we all had heaps of fun.
 We all got to make fascinating creatures and critters using black and green.
 Look out for the monsters!

 The green food was fabulous!
All of Oscars favourite food were requested, and we couldn't wait to gobble them all up.
Make a wish Oscar!
 This year Oscar is old enough to cut the cake.  I noticed he made them super big for all the urchins to enjoy,
 The dragon pinata took forever for little boys to crack open.  Lots of laughs!
Happy Birthday Oscar, I hope all your wishes come true.

07 April, 2015

Oscar's 9!

 Happy 9th Birthday Oscar.   You are growing so tall.
 I hope all your wishes come true.
   I know you are having a party after the school holidays.  That will be fun too.

06 April, 2015

We ordered all the Desserts!

The starters and the mains were such a fusion of delicious flavours, we couldn't decide what to try for dessert, so we ordered them all!

A celebratory dinner for Erik and I.  Our wander down the main street of Hamilton on Easter Sunday evening indicated that while there was not a lot of options, I was a food snob, and hopefully something appertizing would show itself.

"Mexico" in neon beckoned to us, and our tastebuds haven't recovered.   The shared tables at the restaurant are an excellent idea, and creates a friendly atmosphere.  The front of the restaurant was full (and noisy), so Erik and I decided on the back.  Perfect, (quiet) we were the only ones there until later.
The paintings, masks, and objects d'art on the walls set the scene.  The hardest part was deciding what to order.  Everything sounded so delicious, and did not disappoint.  For a snack, the plantain chips were perfect.  A coriander and fennel sofrito accompanied them, - I have to confess to munching more than my fair share of these chips and dip. The spices in the Sangrias were perfect. Cinnamon for Erik, cloves for me.

The tamarind charred pork belly (with jalapeno, cashew, cauliflour ceviche) in a soft shell taco tempted Erik.  A delicious but tiny serving, and Erik needed more sustinance,.  He settled on the Eggplant with apple and peanut mole.  This was served in a lettuce cup.  Fortunately for Erik, he got to enjoy the majority of this meal, as I was replete from the Chicken Tinga Quesadillas, (with avocado, queso fresco, coriander and tomatillo salsa).   I ordered another serving of the tomatillo salsa, and I also brought a bottle of the wonderful stuff to take home.  It reminded me of a time when I was eating Frybread in New Mexico, and ordered 3 servings of the local green chilli sauce, because it was so yum.

By now our tastebuds were in heaven, and dessert beckoned.  What to try, what to taste? Erik mentioned he didn't try any Churros while on the Tour Divide.  WHAT! So we ordered the lot.
Churros and dark chocolate sauce
The table filled up with coconut granita, sweet corn icecream, spiced popcorn, sweet potato tart (made with piloncillo, a molasses tasting sugar), peanut icecream, candied seeds, churros, and chocolate sauce. Not sure what was the best, dipping the Churros into the coconut granita, or putting the popcorn in sweetcorn icecream. 

05 April, 2015

A stroll through the Gardens

It's not often Erik and I get some alone time together.  Circumstances gave us a few hours to ourselves in Hamilton.  It was drizzling and the Hamilton Gardens beckoned.
What a great place to explore, get lost, find yourself, and just enjoy the beauty of the season.
The Chinese garden was peaceful.  I found lots of texture and colour.
This water dragon/turtle watches over the river below.
Autumn had just arrived, and the colours were spectactular.

 The Californian garden popped with the colour blue.
 The textures kept catching my eye, and then the colours in the Indian Garden took my breath away.
A riot of colour
It was like stepping into another place, another time.  Difficult to believe that the City Centre is about 5 minutes drive away.
 The repeating motifs and shapes intrigued.  I must have been having a "blue" day, as I saw this colour in all the gardens.
 The entrance / exit was wonderfully detailed.
 After we have let these gardens, the Egyptian gods kept an eye on us, while we explored deeper into the gardens.
 I wonder what is down here.  Only about 10 different types of gardens!
 The Italian Garden was starting to show Autumn.  Great views of the river as well.
 A splash of red amongst the green.  Lots of inspiration for my Art.
 Moving on we found the Maori Garden.  I like how the carvings are different from the familiar ones in Rotorua.

 The Tropical garden reminded me of the Islands.  So much to see at the Gardens.  We will have to bring the urchins next time.
 We even found some red seats!