05 April, 2015

A stroll through the Gardens

It's not often Erik and I get some alone time together.  Circumstances gave us a few hours to ourselves in Hamilton.  It was drizzling and the Hamilton Gardens beckoned.
What a great place to explore, get lost, find yourself, and just enjoy the beauty of the season.
The Chinese garden was peaceful.  I found lots of texture and colour.
This water dragon/turtle watches over the river below.
Autumn had just arrived, and the colours were spectactular.

 The Californian garden popped with the colour blue.
 The textures kept catching my eye, and then the colours in the Indian Garden took my breath away.
A riot of colour
It was like stepping into another place, another time.  Difficult to believe that the City Centre is about 5 minutes drive away.
 The repeating motifs and shapes intrigued.  I must have been having a "blue" day, as I saw this colour in all the gardens.
 The entrance / exit was wonderfully detailed.
 After we have let these gardens, the Egyptian gods kept an eye on us, while we explored deeper into the gardens.
 I wonder what is down here.  Only about 10 different types of gardens!
 The Italian Garden was starting to show Autumn.  Great views of the river as well.
 A splash of red amongst the green.  Lots of inspiration for my Art.
 Moving on we found the Maori Garden.  I like how the carvings are different from the familiar ones in Rotorua.

 The Tropical garden reminded me of the Islands.  So much to see at the Gardens.  We will have to bring the urchins next time.
 We even found some red seats!

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