24 May, 2015

Last days of Autumn

Tighe and I ventured into the Tree Trust to see the last remnants of Autumn.
Not much yellow around, but plenty of red.
Tighe used the toadstool on the way home as a starting point for some amazing stories.  It was a great walk, just the two of us.

09 May, 2015

A 25th Anniversary of a 25th Birthday

Friendships, wine, and Erik, improve with time.
Friends and family came from near and far, to celebrate Erik's 25th Anniversary of his 25th year.  The party began early in the afternoon without Erik.  He was mountain biking in the forest, trying to avoid being hit by the shuttle bus.  Thankfully he wasn't hurt.
More and more people arrived, and others had to go.  Erik had asked for a small party, so there were less than 40 here at any one time.
A pot luck dinner, what a wonderful collection of food.  Jeanette's kumara bake was sensational, and Bridget gave me the recipe for her roasted tomato salad. Yum Yum!
Chocolate salad and apple pie - the best desserts!
I made a bit of a mistake making Erik's birthday cake. The coconut meringue cake was too firm to push the candles in (totally delicious though). 
 Not quite a disaster, as the pavlova became centre stage.
We needed 4 people to light the candles, and Tighe helped by blowing most of them out, when he blew his match out...so Yvonne, Anneke, Tighe and Peter had to light them again!
Happy Birthday Erik.
 I hope this year is full of fun and adventures.  I love you wonderful man.

07 May, 2015

Kāore te kumara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka

A few words to celebrate my husband, Erik, on this special day.

Although I have only known Erik a few years, his capacity for living life to the full, still takes my breath away.  Erik manages to squeeze so many things into every day, he has a zest for life.

I think he is a little crazy when it comes to biking adventures, and I have become a bike widow on numerous occassions.  He gets up at 4am to go for a 3 hour ride in the dark, (and rain).  We both share a love of food, and experiencing the outdoors, although I do like to be separated from the elements when it gets a little cold, (and wet).

Kāore te kumara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka
The kumara does not say how sweet he is

Erik is a successful man, who does things well.  He quietly gets on with what needs to be done. He never asks for recognition for the time he puts into the community, he just does it.

Erik's honesty is one of his shining strengths of character.  The past 18 months have been hell for all of us.  Erik has been bullied, lied to, betrayed, and called an idiot.  Throughout this whole tragic nightmare, he has stood up for the truth.  Erik is a good man, and a great parent.  He is my husband and I am so proud of him.

The love Erik has for his children is beyond words.  The first time I saw Oscar and Anneke in Erik's presence, I could feel the love emanating from him.  They are the most important part of Erik's life.  Erik is a hands on parent, guiding and encouraging the urchins.  Erik has always inspired me to be a better parent.

 I am honoured to be the love of his life.

Erik, I will always look up to you.

Happy 50th Birthday!

02 May, 2015

Emmett's Birthday Fiesta!

 Emmett is One!  Time to celebrate.  Spent the afternoon at Kelly and Nic's.
Lots of things to do for the little urchins.
No, Emmett, you are not 4!
Are you sure I am not 4!
Some of the Aunts (and Dean)
 Anneke really enjoyed the Mexican food that everyone brought along for lunch.
Blue corn chips - super yummy!
The pinata was very popular.
Tighe, Quinn, Anneke, and Oscar all had to wait their turn.
Big sister Lucy