03 April, 2017

The matter of the Heart

The pain in my chest woke me in the night. There was a truck parked on my chest. I had difficulty breathing.  As I lay there, I ticked off a mental checklist. I was under 50, I wasn't over weight, I didn't smoke, I didn't over indulge in too much alcohol, I was active, but the truck parked on my chest was still there.
I decided to ring 111, and talk to the staff, and let them decide if it was a heart attack.  Within 15 minutes, the paramedics were in the house. In the comfort of my armchair, I was hooked up to an ECG machine, and I had a abnormal reading for the left side of my heart. My blood pressure was 148 / 110, which is super high for me.
Erik packed my bag and I went for an ambulance ride in the middle of the night, with oxygen, to the hospital. The paramedics told me what to expect when we got to the hospital. They explained the time it would take between blood tests, and what the blood tests were for.  I also got a chest x-ray as well. The waiting went on forever, and I just watched my blood pressure come down to 92/60, and my heartbeat drop down to 65 bpm. I knew the episode was over.
Just after 8am in the morning, I got the all clear to go home, it wasn't a heart attack, just a viral infection of the heart. The truck parked on my chest was now a bowling ball.  However, the ECG showed up a LBBB, I have an abnormal heart rthymn on my left side.  I was born with it.  This is what has caused my lifetime of light headedness, my near fainting episodes, and I suspect my winter chilblains, my migraines, and extremely cold hands and feet.
Update - Recent cardio exams now show I have Wolffe, Parkinson, and White syndrome. This is was causes heart palpatations.  I was born with it.

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