22 May, 2017

100 Day Project

From the shadows...
Take photos of some of the shadows around the house.  Each day I will create a small textile art work using elements from these photos, using a variety of techniques.  At the end of the project,  I expect to have several designs that I can use for a quilting or two.
 I have cleaned up my Lady Cave to give me some space to work on the 100 day project.  I am nervous but excited to try this project.  Let's see what happens.

The 100 Days Project

A creativity project that anyone can take part in.

Founded in 2011 the 100 Days Project is an annual event that runs (you guessed it!) for 100 consecutive days.  The project is an independently run event, funded and supported by the community of ‘hundred dayers’ themselves, and local organisations. The project is open to anyone who would like to participate in doing a daily creative exercise. Since 2011, over 4,500 people from all over the world have taken part in the project.

The rules
The project is wonderfully simple, and deceptively challenging.
If you sign up to take part in the project, you agree to these two simple rules:

1. You will repeat a simple creative task every day for the duration.
2. You'll record each days effort.

It's that simple, and that difficult!
Choose one creative 'exercise', and then repeat it every day for 100 days.
Record each daily effort and see what evolves in the work and in the self over time.
It challenges you to dig deep into your creative reserves, to rely on your readiness to work in order to achieve creative breakthrough.
100 Day Project

14 May, 2017

Autumn in Rotorua 2017

 Wandered down to the Tree Trust to capture some of the amazing colours of the Autumn leaves.

06 May, 2017

A month to grow sugar crystals.

 Tighe and I watched this video on how to make sugar crystals in geodes by Ann Reardon
 After a few days, our crystals were tiny, so we wrapped them up in foil, and left them for another week.
 They were still tiny, so we left them for another week.
 After a month, the crystals were a decent size.  This was fun to do.

05 May, 2017

Hockey Season

 Tighe was picked for the A grade team for JPC intermediate team. 
 The opening Tournament was dress up, and lots of fun.
I hope you have a great season this year Tighe, and have lots of fun!