30 September, 2017

Making a pirate costume

Tighe is looking forward to Halloween, and needs to make a costume.
This is what he would like to make.
 We went to the second hand clothes shop and found a jacket, a coat, and a shirt.

The coat is too long, and the sleeves to big.  The coat will be shortened, and pleats put in the back.  The sleeves will be rolled, to create cuffs.  A skull and cross bones will complete the ensemble.
 The beginnings of a waistcoat / jerkin.  The collar is going to be removed, and the sleeves. The pockets will be cut off, along with the dark brown button facing at the front.
 Perhaps we will put elastic in the sleeves to create cuffs. Tighe also would like to add a hood.

 Tighe also found some brown pants, and boots.  Time to start cutting and sewing.

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