02 January, 2020

Down bush - Trail clearing - Pureora Forest

 My trust red bands, perfect for bush exploring.
Our shelter for camping
 Tess and Glenn brought their feather children, and they explored the edge of camp.
 It is always handy having a chainsaw tied to the front of the quad bike. Today we are clearing a trail to the top of the ridge.

 This is a beautiful trail. There are plenty of large canopy trees, and ferns in the undergrowth.
 The toitoi showed us the way. This was an old logging trail at least 50 years ago.  The toitoi patches were the skid sites.
 We worked for several hours, clearing the trail up the hillside.  Trees had fallen over the old trail. At one stage, we built a "bridge" of old logs to get the quad bikes across a wet boggy area.
 We got as far as the Rimu trees, and the chainsaws ran out of battery.
 Stopped off at the waterfall to clean up before going back to camp.
 With all the rain, the river was up much higher than expected.
 Only saw 3 eels.
 I like how the pongas wear skirts.

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