14 August, 2021

JPC Ball 2021

The flowers have arrived, but the urchins are not ready. Covid-19 pandemic is raging around the world. Arrivals to New Zealand quarantine for 14 days in Isolation Facilities (hotels). So far, we have been Covid free for 18 months. The ball can go ahead with 500 people gathered. Really appreciative of all the workers in MIQ for keeping us safe.

Quinn went with black on black on black.
Anneke and Matthew. Anneke is wearing a Paris Georgia heart dress.

Nicole and Chad
Hannah arrived on her quad bike.
Quinn and Anika
Quinn had a quick chat with Tighe prior to the ball.

The cozzie bros - Quinn and Charlotte

Chad and Charlotte
Nicole and Anneke
Quinn, Mr Joe, Chad
Anneke and Rosa

Matthew and Anneke

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