24 September, 2021

Solo Exhibition - Connections

As Covid-19 was in the community, it was unclear if my textile exhibition would go ahead.  Fortunately, the Ministry of Health moved the majority of the country into Level 2, which meant people could gather indoor up to 25.  The progress over the next few weeks would be to 100 people indoors.

The NZ Herald had this to say about it.

Environmental messages and textile art is fusing together in an upcoming exhibition.

This evening, The Arts Village is hosting the opening night for Connections, an exhibition by local textile artist Ruth McMonagle.

The exhibition explores the theme of human's influence on the Earth's environment and how this affects the relationships between the land, the sea and the people.

Our role in the global climate processes are explored through the series of textile works.

Building on her previous environmental work of connections between human behaviour and water pollution, Ruth's current series links connections between environmental changes and human behaviour, such as droughts, wildfires, floods, and rising seas.

The changing environmental conditions will affect New Zealanders, particularly direct economic impacts to fisheries and land productivity, as well as coastal impact through sea level rise from melting ice, changing weather patterns, and altered ocean conditions.

The majority of the artwork in the exhibition is created from at least 65 per cent recycled materials.

Georgia Francis, The Arts Village activities co-ordinator, says she can't wait for Rotorua to see Ruth's beautiful work.

"Her message is so important right now when everyone needs to play a role and be a kaitiaki for Aotearoa."

Awarded nationally for her soft sculpture, Ruth exhibits on a regional, national and international level.

She has exhibited in Australia, South Africa, France, Italy, and the United States of America and has been selected in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021, to represent New Zealand at the World Quilt Exhibition, USA.

Connections is running from 25 September to October 16 during Arts Village opening hours.

The opening night is today, 5.30pm to 7pm, free to all. Numbers will be limited if level 2 restrictions remain in place.

12 September, 2021

Lockdown Projects


I made quilt tops during Covid-19 lockdown.  I had been given bags of fabric during the year.  Lockdown gave me the opportunity to create some quilts for the community.
These two quilts were made from stripe and checked fabric. Made a nice change from florals.
Mask making also happened.  I was fortunate that there was enough elastic.
This final quilt I made with leftovers that I had saved from previous quilts throughout the year.  I get a lot of pleasure from making something from nothing.

04 September, 2021

Spring in September

Daffodils grow in the paddocks in the tree trust.

Lockdown continues throughout New Zealand, while Covid-19 is in the community.
Daily walks in the Tree Trust / Centennial park help my mental wellbeing.

Lots of daffodils are flowering, and I like the variety of the petals and colours.

02 September, 2021


Lockdown continues, today we made pikelets for afternoon tea.  I didn't have a griddle, so I used the sandwich press as the heat source.  We need to practise our flipping technique.

Served with feijoa chilli jam, and whipped cream. Delicious!

Recipe for Pikelets

1 cup flour

pinch salt

1 teaspoon Cream of Tartar

2 Tablespoons sugar

1 egg beaten

1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1 cup Milk

Mix the dry ingredients together. 

Make a well in the centre.

Put beaten egg and milk and baking soda in the well. Mix until combined and a smooth batter.

Cook on a hot griddle / sandwich press base / frying pan.  As the bubble rise, flip to the other side.  Don't over cook, or will taste tough.