02 September, 2021


Lockdown continues, today we made pikelets for afternoon tea.  I didn't have a griddle, so I used the sandwich press as the heat source.  We need to practise our flipping technique.

Served with feijoa chilli jam, and whipped cream. Delicious!

Recipe for Pikelets

1 cup flour

pinch salt

1 teaspoon Cream of Tartar

2 Tablespoons sugar

1 egg beaten

1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1 cup Milk

Mix the dry ingredients together. 

Make a well in the centre.

Put beaten egg and milk and baking soda in the well. Mix until combined and a smooth batter.

Cook on a hot griddle / sandwich press base / frying pan.  As the bubble rise, flip to the other side.  Don't over cook, or will taste tough.

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