30 September, 2011

Font de Gaume, France

Time to go prehistoric, and visit the Font de Gaume cave near Les Eyzies, in Dordogne, France, and see the wall paintings.

Discovered in 1901, the cave has a high, narrow main gallery and several side passages. It contains about 230 engraved and painted figures, including 82 bison, horses, mammoths, reindeer, a woolly rhinoceros, and a wolf. Its most famous images are a leaping horse and a scene in which a male reindeer licks the forehead of a female.

The artists who created the figures at Font-de-Gaume extensively incorporated the cave’s natural relief, which give their paintings a three-dimensional quality. The animals were painted in shades of red, brown, and black, and were sometimes superimposed on earlier pictures, making it possible to discern a chronological sequence of artistic development. Most of the paintings probably date to the mid-Magdalenian Period of Paleolithic art (about 14,000 years ago), though some may be older.

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