06 September, 2011

Food adventures

The boys wanted Donuts for afternoon tea, so I found an interesting recipe for donut balls.
2 tsp of Baking Powder and 1 tsp Cream of Tartar - seemed an extra amount of excessive rising required.
Dropping the batter into the hot oil is facinating.  The non descript shape of batter puffs up and the whole donut rises to the top of the oil, when it is ready, it rolls itself over, and cooks the other side.  These are balls of delight, with horns.   All we had to do was spoon them out when they were cooked, roll them in sugar crystals, and eat them....
The boys want them for afternoon tea tomorrow as well. Makes about 40 balls which is plenty.

1 egg - lightly beaten
1/2 cup milk
2/3 cup sugar 
1 Tbsp Oil
2 cups flour
1 tsp cream of tartar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt
Oil for frying
Icing Sugar

Combine the egg, milk, sugar, and oil in a large bowl.
Sift the flour, spice, cream of tartar, baking powder, and salt, into the egg mixture.
Stir until well mixed.
Heat oil.
Carefully drop batter by small spoonfuls into oil.
Remove with a slotted spoon when brown on all sides.
Drain on a paper towel.
Sprinkle with icing sugar while still warm.

Update Note:  If Quinn suggests doubling the recipe - DONT!

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