22 May, 2013

Mokoia Island

School trip to Mokoia Island, a bird scantury in Lake Rotorua.  I have been in Rotorua 20 years, and never had the opportunity to visit.  Quinn and Anneke's classes(Year 5) are going, and Erik and I are tagging along. 

We got to see Saddlebacks and Robins, NZ endangered species. 

Saddleback, in the centre of the photo - look harder!

 The Robins were so friendly, and kept us company during the bush walk.
 I also had a supernatural experience with Matua Tonga, the island's guardian.  Legend is that she was on the canoe from Hawaiiki, and she watches over the kumera fields, and is a fertility symbol for the island. 
Finished the trip with a splash in Hinemoa's pool, and the story of Tutanekai and Hinemoa, the peace bringers to Rotorua.

Hinemoa's pool, hot and steamy
Rotorua in the distance

20 May, 2013

Tighe learning to knit

Tighe wants to make a scarf and hat for Archer (his teddy)...he decided it was much harder than it looks.  Keep practicing Tighe, you will get there!  I think he prefers to play hockey.

15 May, 2013

Quinn's robot!!

last night my amazing son Quinn made an awesome robot out of:
  • cardboard
  • masking tape 
  • glad wrap rolls 
  • handtowel rolls 
  • toilet paper rolls
  •  etc

07 May, 2013

Happy Birthday my love

Happy birthday to the most incredible man I know.
 Every day you manage to do something amazing that makes me love you even more. 
Today I get to celebrate YOU!  
The most special, amazing, crazy, stubborn, and wonderful man in my life, quite possibly in the whole universe.
I love just looking at you. 
Seeing you every day makes me dance on the inside. 
I just love your sense of fun, 
and how your laughter filled eyes warm my heart.
 I love how my toes curl when you smile.  
Your lips are pretty special as well.
I love your magnificent body, and your …., well you know! 
I love how your velvet voice tingles me all over when you say my name.
I love your lips, I know I have already said that, but I really love you kissing me, and I didn’t mention that.
I love how your arms hold me and how you hug me, 
and kiss the back of my neck.
I love your strength, support, and sensitivity.  
Thank you for being my lover, friend, and life’s companion. 
I love how much passion you have for life, and how every day is lived fully and with purpose.  
Thanks for sharing each amazing day with me. 
I love your caring and creative soul. 
I love how you inspire me, and how you love the children. 
You are an awesome father and husband.
I am looking forward to sharing another exciting and adventurous year with you.   
I am sure we will get worn out in the process, but what fun it will be!

04 May, 2013

How high can you go Oscar!

At the playground in Levin, on the way to Wellington.
Oscar Swinging High in Levin

01 May, 2013

Anneke's bus trip to Welligton

School holidays, and Anneke is going by herself to Wellington on the bus.  Exciting!  Oma will pick up at about 4.30 in the afternoon.  Enjoy the journey Anneke!