22 May, 2013

Mokoia Island

School trip to Mokoia Island, a bird scantury in Lake Rotorua.  I have been in Rotorua 20 years, and never had the opportunity to visit.  Quinn and Anneke's classes(Year 5) are going, and Erik and I are tagging along. 

We got to see Saddlebacks and Robins, NZ endangered species. 

Saddleback, in the centre of the photo - look harder!

 The Robins were so friendly, and kept us company during the bush walk.
 I also had a supernatural experience with Matua Tonga, the island's guardian.  Legend is that she was on the canoe from Hawaiiki, and she watches over the kumera fields, and is a fertility symbol for the island. 
Finished the trip with a splash in Hinemoa's pool, and the story of Tutanekai and Hinemoa, the peace bringers to Rotorua.

Hinemoa's pool, hot and steamy
Rotorua in the distance

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