20 August, 2013

Storytelling at the Arts Village

The children enjoyed the storytelling in the Redwoods last time.  Tonight we are at the Arts Village.  There are pirate stories, shadow puppet making, witch stories, ant stories, - all kinds of stories.
Quinn and Tighe helped be a dancing Octopus.

Oscar listened to pirate stories, and got a balloon sword.

 Anneke and Quinn made shadow puppets,

"Behind the chair"

Oscar was going to make a shadow puppet too, but he prefered to play with the puppets instead - much more fun.

Tighe and Quinn created Gigglefins, with Ali Teo, an exploration on creating a character.

It was a special night out under the stars.  Erik took the bean bag, and found he wasn't uncomfortable, as compared to trying to sit on the blanket.

 Ali Teo - her website finished "Gigglefins".  The children suggested the colours.

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