08 August, 2013

What has Erik done?

Everyday my wonderful husband sends me a love note at work.  This morning he didn't.  I figured he was busy with work.  This afternoon he didn't.  I started to worry.  Finally at 3.31pm I get a text,
"Hello darling, I'm in hospital - had a silly accident this morning and cracked a vertabrae.  I'll call later when I'm done with the tests.  Love you!!!"

Yes, he did it mountainbiking, but he was off his bike at the time.  He was moving a young pine tree off the track and it sprang back on him, and flung him backwards, onto a small mound, that managed to fracture T11 vertabrae.  6 weeks to heal, 12 weeks to recover.  No lifting, bending, twisting.

We are grateful for the assistance provided by MTB Rotorua.  They sorted the First Aid, and organised an ambulance.  /http://www.mtbrotorua.co.nz/  Thanks so much.

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