25 April, 2014

Clotheslines and Carousels- Vague de Cirque

It was great to laugh again.  Pure pleasure and escapism.  Took the urchins to Cirque de Vague, a Canadian based circus troupe.  The acrobats didn't have any safety nets, and the strength and agility of the performers were amazing.

The children laughed and laughed at the antics.  Phillipe, the MC  - was funny, kept interrupting with "his song", "his time" etc.  Tighe just loved that.


I liked the Saturday Night Fever routine.  Cohen and Jason can dance for me anytime!
Jason, and Cohen
Juggling,  balance beams, tumbling, "wild west standoff" acrobatics, see-saw jumps and tumbles.

The intimacy of Yannick and Fanny bought Love to the circus.  The two of them hanging from a rope, no safety net - pure trust.  A show of strength and skill, so graceful.  A truely magic performance of real life partners.  It was a privilege to witness such chemistry between two artists.  Took my breath away.
Yannick and Tighe
 The children really enjoyed meeting the performers. A wonderful entertaining evening.

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