23 April, 2014

Feijoas - it's Autumn

A work collegue gave me two supermarket bags full of feijoas, (heaven) so I needed to dig out some recipes to use them up. Oscar said he figured we would be eating feijoas for the next week, in muffins, cakes, puddings, and of course, my favourite - raw.  One member of the family didn't know that they were Pineapple Guavas - such an exotic fruit!

I have been asked to share my Feijoa Meringue Pudding recipe - it's a little tarty.

750 gm feijoas (about 10)
1/4 cup sugar
25 gm butter
1 tsp lemon rind
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp ginger (but you could substitute another spice)
2 eggs separated
1 -2 tsp corn flour, and a little water
another 1/4 cup sugar preferably caster sugar

Preheat oven 180 deg C
Peel and chop up the feijoas.   Put feijoas, sugar, butter, lemon juice and rind in a medium sized pot.  Cook gently for 8-10 minutes until the feijoas are soft. I stir it occasionally.
With a wooden spoon, smash/mash beat up the mixture.  Anneke says that she preferes it smooth. the rest of us like it chunky, so do whatever you prefer - puree or chunky, or in between.
If you want to thicken it a little, mix some cornflour with a little water and mix in. 
Separate the eggs.  Stir the egg yolks into the feijoas, and pour into about a 3 cup capacity ovenproof dish. Bake at 180 deg C for about 20 minutes.
Beat the egg whites until the peaks just fold over.  Gradually beat in the other measure of sugar.  Pile the meringue on top of the fiejoa mixture.
Bake at 180 deg C for a further 10 minutes or until the meringue is lightly browned.
Serve hot or cold.
Makes about 4-6 servings.

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