04 February, 2015

No bruises, but I am still sore.

Four days later and I am still sore, but there are no bruises.  An hour of jumping, falling, and trampolining with the urchins, has taken it's toll on my body, but hey, you only live once.
The foam pit was the best, but nearly impossible to get out.  Rolling over the top of the foam worked the best.  At one stage a small boy just had his feet showing, and his older brother had to pull him out.
The urchins challenged me to several races on the obstacle course.  The winner wasn't me, and it was hard hot work crawling in the small spaces, trying to prevent the urchins getting in front.  Thank goodness for water bottles.  The urchins don't like the taste of Hamilton water.
Wall to wall trampolines were fantastic, and we chased each other, played tag, dodge ball, and had a fabulous time.   An hour was long enough, and my body is thankful we didn't stay longer.

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