30 August, 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

Erik arranged the most amazing gift ever. A lady cave!
My new lady cave
My studio was tiny, cramped, and I had to do stuff downstairs, which meant putting it away, moving it aside, and interupted creative flow.  Look at my new space.  He is a wonderful supportive husband.  I love you Erik.
My old studio space
Can't wait to move in, unpack, and discover all my treasure I have had packed away for the last 4 years.  

29 August, 2015

Trophies and Tighe

Tighe had a fantastic session at Hockey.  He really improved his skills, and also was very generous in sharing his skills with the team.   He would always demonstate what ever the coach asked.
Tighe averaged 2 goals per game.  His defense was also excellent, using his stick in midair to prevent goals.  The Fluffy dragons achieved Runner Up in their division, which is a fantastic achievement, as several of them had not played before.
Tighe received the trophy for Significant contribution.  I am very proud of him.

Tighe's hockey team - The Fluffy Dragons

The season is over.  Runner Up in their Grade.  So proud of their dedication and committment to the game.  These players took on all weather and opponents. 
 Their semi final against Kaharoa was the best of the season.  A nail biter, and 2-2 at the end of the game.  Kaharoa had scorched the team earlier in the season 12-3.
I just would like to thank Quinn, the assistant coach, and Taylor (Alex's sister) as assistant assistant coach.
Joe, Marissa, Hayden, Alex, Kayden, Kyra, Ruby, Emma, Tighe, Wiki.

27 August, 2015

The last night of the hockey

Quinn played for JPC Intermediate Black this year.  Being selected for the A grade team meant longer practises, and more training time.  The games are longer than Junior hockey, and it is cold nights for the supporters.  I always took along some hot chocolate.  One night it was snowing.  Other nights the turf would start to freeze after 8pm. 
The games in the season were intense, and the competition fierce.  The team finished runner up to Taupo in their grade. The last night of the hockey season was a 6 aside tournament, dressing up, and lots of fun.

Quinn and team mates
Unfortunately the hat kept coming off during game play
A rainbow at the start of the evening was a good sign.  
 One of the teams were dressed as superheros.  Perhaps capes should make a comeback.
 Quinn scored goals in every game.  The games were exciting to watch.
 Another goal past Superman.
 At the end of the evening I was frozen, had no voice left from cheering the team on.  It was a briliant night.

JPC Black won the tournament, and got a trophy to take back to school. 

23 August, 2015

Science experiment gone wrong

Quinn has been doing stuff with water and sodium. 
Some days it gets a little out of control.
Not sure why he needed the dining table as his work space.

22 August, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday Tighe

Double Digits, Tighe is 10.  A prehistoric party for him.  Lots of dinosaurs, and a paleontologist cake, and there was even some digging up of bones in the back yard.

Christain, Cameron, and Kahu joined in the celebrations.  How many gummy dinosaurs can 4 boys eat in an evening? Too many!!
Make a wish Tighe.  Happy 10th Birthday.
Tighe decided to cut the cake with his Dad's sword.
The boys had a sleepover and watched the Jurassic Park Trilogy.  I guess it was an "awake over" instead.
Happy birthday Tighe, I hope this year is full of fun and adventures.

It's Spring

 Spring has arrived, even though we are still wearing layers of merino, the buds have burst forth.
Purple kale, the birds love it
 The plumcot is the first blossom in the garden.  Winter is over.

 The pine pollen is everywhere.  Need the wipers on the car to wipe the stuff away.
Pollen on the footpath


Paleontologist Cake

Tighe has been interested in fossils and dinosaurs for a long time.  He asked me to make him a "fossilized" cake for his birthday.
I spent the week before the party making bones, and sand/dirt.  Gingernuts, malt biscuits, and raw sugar work best for the dirt/sand.
 I wanted the cake to have strata levels, showing the different layers of rock.
It took a while to work out the bone placement, as Tighe didn't want a perfect skeleton, he felt it looked better if the bones were mixed up a little.
The fun part was putting all the sand and rocks on the cake.
 Tighe was jumping with excitment when he saw the finished cake ready for transport.
Tighe wanted the cake different from his previous dinosaur cake...Tighe's Dinosaur Cake