22 August, 2015

Paleontologist Cake

Tighe has been interested in fossils and dinosaurs for a long time.  He asked me to make him a "fossilized" cake for his birthday.
I spent the week before the party making bones, and sand/dirt.  Gingernuts, malt biscuits, and raw sugar work best for the dirt/sand.
 I wanted the cake to have strata levels, showing the different layers of rock.
It took a while to work out the bone placement, as Tighe didn't want a perfect skeleton, he felt it looked better if the bones were mixed up a little.
The fun part was putting all the sand and rocks on the cake.
 Tighe was jumping with excitment when he saw the finished cake ready for transport.
Tighe wanted the cake different from his previous dinosaur cake...Tighe's Dinosaur Cake

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