23 January, 2016

Sun, Seals, and Surf - Maketu

 The low tide was perfect for exploring the rock pools around the rocky point of Newdick's beach.
 We had never been around this far before.  The urchins explored the outer reaches.
Anneke, Quinn, Tighe, and Jack
 Plenty of Shags, and then Seals were spotted!

 Oscar and I found this mystery attached to the seaweed in the rock pool.
 Perhaps it is a seed pod, or eggs?
 When the seaweed moved, tiny fishes were uncovered and vulnerable.
 Once the urchins got tired of crab spotting, seal watching, and rock climbing, we all ventured back to the main sandy beach.
Tighe on the big rock.
 Jack, Tighe, and Quinn tossed the rugby ball, while Quinn was on the skimboard.  Amazing balance.

Oops, fell off again!
Getting ready to catch.
Quinn, Tighe, Anneke
 Erik arrived on his touring bike, in time to enjoy lunch. He rode 105km via the lakes and forest, in training for the Tour Aotearoa 2016.  (It was about 55 kms in the car from Rotorua)
 The Pohutukawa tree is perfectly situated to provide shade for me, and be close enough to the water to see what the urchins are up to.
Quinn's glasses enjoying the beach
 The urchins enjoyed the boogie boards for the rest of the afternoon.
Oscar cooling off
 The surf was fantastic, the urchins riding the waves to shore.
Oscar, Anneke, Erik
Shadow Tighe, Shadow Jack

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