30 April, 2016

Feijoa Jelly - reduced sugar / reduced taste?

We have been fortunate this month, to get lots and lots and lots of feijoas from a friend.  6 supermarket bags full.  We have had feijoa crumble, feijoa cheesecake, feijoa mousse and I have bottled 10 jars with cinnamon, vanilla, and star anise.
All this meant lots of feijoa shells (or skins).  I would stack the shells together, and freeze them.  Once I had a bread bag full, I could make feijoa jelly.
 I have been reducing the amount of sugar in our lives.  I know that sugar is important to work with the pectin in the fruit.  Feijoa is high in pectin, so in theory, I shouldn't need as much sugar.   After chatting with the guys at work, and getting some advice off Foodlovers.co.nz I decided to go with the 3/4 cup method instead of the 1 cup method of jelly making.
Normally jelly is 1 cup fruit juice to 1 cup sugar, but I made my jelly with 1 cup fruit juice to 3/4 cup sugar.  10 cups of strained feijoa juice to 7 1/2 cups sugar.  I rounded it up to 8 just to be safe. I also added the juice of one lemon, and the rind (which I cut up finely).
I added a cinnamon stick to the mix just for flavour, and a few drops of red food gel colouring, as it was a delightful grey/green mixture.

I don't know how long I cooked it for.  I was doing other stuff, and would just come back and stir it.  Once it coated the back of the wooden spoon I bottled it.  The urchins declared it "yum" and ate one bottle in the afternoon.  The jelly set well, and isn't hard, but isn't runny either.  The jelly is not supersweet, and has a nice feijoa flavour.  Success!

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