09 April, 2016

Tighe's Big Canopy Tour

 Tighe has been asking for over a year to do this, so today we did.  Ziplining in the Mamakus.
In the Dansey Road Reserve, several North Island Robins kept us company.  I have only seen these on Mokoia Island, a bird Sanctury.  Seeing them in the bush was awesome.

 There were about 7 different ziplines throughout the tour, and each was wonderful.
Tighe's first zipline.

The bush was amazing.  So many shades of green.
 There were several bridges between the tree tops, and were fun to walk.
The "bird" tree was interesting, and I was proud that Tighe knew most of the native birds in the forest.
I just like the colours in the bark.

 The ponga ferns looks like huge umbrellas.
Tighe decided to cannon ball on this zipline.

The bright sky-blue colour of Entoloma hochstetteri resembles the blue wattle of the kōkako bird; hence the Māori name for this fungus, werewere-kōkako.  I just call them "smurf houses".
Canopy tours are doing fantastic conservation work, and trapping possums and rats.   Lots of undergrowth, and birdlife as a result.

High up in the rainforest canopy.

There is a Robin in the tree

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