06 February, 2021

Mt Tauhara - Taupo

Every time we drive to Wellington, we pass through Taupo,  I see Mt Tauhara, and say to myself, I really should climb that mountain.  Today was that day!
About a 3 hour hike (return) and 5kms.  Initially the trail starts at farmland. Climb a few stiles, and wander up the steep grassy hill.
There was cow poo to avoid. At the top of the pasture we could see the volcanic mountains, and Lake Taupo.
As you climb the dormant Taupo volcano the trail will starts to change. The trail goes from a typical path to high boulders, and trenches cut deep into the earth. After the initial countryside ascent you will enter the dense forest until you reach the summit.

The higher you climb, the more diverse the flora of Mount Tauhara seems to get!  A little over the halfway point there will be a stream where you can fill up your water bottle.
Past the stream, was a clearing off to the side of the trail.  I could see the trig in the distance. I was tired, the climb had been steep, it was hot. I ate a nut bar and rested a while.
The next section of the trail was lush, lots of moss on the trees, and large ferns on either side of the track.

The views from the top are spectacular,  360 degree views of  Lake Taupo, and farmlands for miles in the distance. We didn't stop there.

We continued along, following a narrow track through the brush along the top of the Mt Tauhara. There is a collection of rocks just a couple minutes further which is the most beautiful viewpoint. 
All around were all the blue mountains. Ruapehu, Pureora, Pirongia, Kaimais, Rotomas, Ureweras. 

The rocks reminded me that I was standing on the top of a volcano.
The view looking towards Napier
The view looking towards Rotorua
Much of the path is dirt so it’s best to avoid climbing Mount Tauhara after a heavy day of rain. The walk down took about an hour.

The trail becomes trenches in some places.

On the way back down, we filled up our water bottles at the stream. Tastes slightly earthy, sweet, refreshingly cold.
Every now and then, there are glimpses of the Taupo township, and then we were out of the bush, and walking on the farmland.

It's a steep rugged walk. Allow 3 hours return. Take plenty of water and snacks. At the top it was really windy, so dress appropriately. Wear sunscreen.

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