03 August, 2018

Convenience food

The urchins had read about the "Lays" brand of potato chips. We tried several flavours.
These were my favourite, tastes like aioli
Were salty, not onion flavoured
Vinegar and salt flavoured
Theis is advertised to have with corn chips
These were nice but the yellow mayo / sauce was disappointing, no heat at all.
Yellow mayo, we threw it out.
Goldfish crackers - Tighe's favourite - tiny fish shaped crackers
Fritos were shaped corn chips, not full flavoured.

Tighe wanted to try Cheetos.  Orange dust and salty. 
 I had hoped they would taste like twistees or chezels, but they were just salty.
Perfect for sharing while hiking
 We can get Pocky in New Zealand, but not Green Tea flavour.
 Delicately flavoured and not sweet. The urchins gobbled these up quick.
Quinn likes the cinnamon flavour, and we tried several varieties of cinnamon candy.
 Big Red was the preferred chewing gum, the hot flavour lasted much longer than Trident.  Bought the gum in bulk, packets of 10.
We can get lemon flavoured Oreos in NZ, disappointed in the peanut butter ones, just tasted like normal oreos.
 Red Velvet, ARTIFICALLY FLAVORED, just taste like normal Oreo.
Peanut butter is a popular flavour - biscuits, ice cream, cereal, twinkies...
Tasted sweet and not peanut buttery, disappointing.
The urchins wanted to try as many different cereals as they could find.
 Lucky charms, 10+ teaspoons of sugar per serve.
 Yep, candy in breakfast cereal.  Tighe ate these as snacks for the next few weeks, and then we threw them out, I think the racoons ate them.
 Quinn's favourite, 8+ teaspoons of sugar per serve. He ate these as snacks.
 Biscuits masquarading as breakfast cereal. I put them in snaplock bags, and we used them as snacks when out hiking, or walking around town.
More peanut butter flavour, this time in a cereal. Similar taste to "Bugs and Mud" but a lot sweeter.
After about two weeks, the urchins gave up on the breakfast cereals, they had discovered waffles. Packs of 24, frozen. Just pop in the toaster, and then smother in maple syrup and chocolate sauce.

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