28 August, 2013

Sunshine helping?

I am making an Escher type tessellation artwork for Quinn's bedroom.  He and I worked on the design TWO years ago, I am finally getting it sorted.  Had to ask Sunshine's advice on the colour and widths of the border.
I recommend this one...

27 August, 2013


Erik considered walking while working, now his back injury is making this a reality.  It is really painful for Erik to sit, he can only stand for a while, but walking - there is no pain. 
A few modifications were made to his work desk.  He got one of those things that count your steps, he did over 22,000 today.  I hope he doesn't over do it.

25 August, 2013

The way to my heart

I share my birthday with my amazing son Tighe, so Erik celebrated my birthday by making me a pie.  It was fantastic.  Wonderful man. 

When we first met, that was how I knew he was a "keeper"... He fed me Mince and Cheese pie, and fresh cream donut, while out on a mountainbike ride.

24 August, 2013

Happy Birthday Tighe!

I may have gone a little bit overboard with the edible rocks, but Tighe thought the cake was Awesome!  My boy is 8.  Happy birthday Tighe.  I hope this year brings you lots of fun and adventures.
Make a wish Tighe!
Waterfall detail
Vocano detail

Stream and waterfall

20 August, 2013

Storytelling at the Arts Village

The children enjoyed the storytelling in the Redwoods last time.  Tonight we are at the Arts Village.  There are pirate stories, shadow puppet making, witch stories, ant stories, - all kinds of stories.
Quinn and Tighe helped be a dancing Octopus.

Oscar listened to pirate stories, and got a balloon sword.

 Anneke and Quinn made shadow puppets,

"Behind the chair"

Oscar was going to make a shadow puppet too, but he prefered to play with the puppets instead - much more fun.

Tighe and Quinn created Gigglefins, with Ali Teo, an exploration on creating a character.

It was a special night out under the stars.  Erik took the bean bag, and found he wasn't uncomfortable, as compared to trying to sit on the blanket.

 Ali Teo - her website finished "Gigglefins".  The children suggested the colours.

17 August, 2013

Broken Hockey Stick

Quinn managed to break his hockey stick in his first season!  Awesome!  They lost the game 5-3, but there was brilliant teamwork happening, and they all enjoyed themselves.

10 August, 2013

Gina's Year 13 Ball JPC

Middle of Winter, and Ball Season.  A Tony Bowles dress from New York, and Gina was ready for the ball.  There are millions of sequins on this dress, and they sparkled magically.

Oliver and Gina
Dress Detail

Oliver and Gina
Gina and Shania

08 August, 2013

What has Erik done?

Everyday my wonderful husband sends me a love note at work.  This morning he didn't.  I figured he was busy with work.  This afternoon he didn't.  I started to worry.  Finally at 3.31pm I get a text,
"Hello darling, I'm in hospital - had a silly accident this morning and cracked a vertabrae.  I'll call later when I'm done with the tests.  Love you!!!"

Yes, he did it mountainbiking, but he was off his bike at the time.  He was moving a young pine tree off the track and it sprang back on him, and flung him backwards, onto a small mound, that managed to fracture T11 vertabrae.  6 weeks to heal, 12 weeks to recover.  No lifting, bending, twisting.

We are grateful for the assistance provided by MTB Rotorua.  They sorted the First Aid, and organised an ambulance.  /http://www.mtbrotorua.co.nz/  Thanks so much.