30 March, 2014

80th Birthday celebrations

My Mama is 80.  She taught me the usual stuff... how to pan for gold, get tucker from the bush, put a tattoo in a cow's ear.  All the essential skills for a modern woman.  Today we get to pay homage to her.
We all gathered at Te Rore hall, not far from the homestead, and celebrated the incredible woman who is my mother.  Over 100 people came.  People I hadn't seen for 20 years or more.  Old neighbours, cousins, relatives, friends. 

It was wonderful to see so many people there for my Mama, Maureen McMonagle.
The band played all Mum's favourite songs.
Of course we had to have a feast.
All my brothers and sisters turned up.  That was the best.  So many nieces and nephews.  4 generations running around.  I love being the "great" aunt, but most likely, I am the crazy aunt.

With music, we had to dance, and all the cake got eaten.

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