15 March, 2014

Mama's Apple Cider

I remember drinking this at my Nana's house,  I remember my Mama making it.  Now I am making it.  The stone jar used to belong to my Nana.
What do you need?
Lots of windfall apples, and hot water.
Cut/slice the apples and put in container.  When container is full, add boiling water until apples are covered with water.
Cover the container and put it in a warm place for a few days.
 When it is frothy(2-3 days), strain the liquid into a large bowl or pot.

Add sugar to taste.  Approx 3/4 cup to 1 litre.  Mix until dissolved.
A hint from my Mama.  A good way to dissolve the sugar is to pour the liquid between two containers, e.g pot and bowl.  It really mixes it up well.

 Pour into bottles and cork.  Put in a warm place.  The window sill is great.
 Wait until the cork pops off.  Depending on temperature, could take 1-3 days.  The children hate "waiting for the pop"
Chill bottle, and then enjoy!

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