23 December, 2014

Breakfast for dinner (at the Tree Trust)

One of the activities Quinn wanted to do in the school holidays, is have dinner at the Tree Trust.
Mini Men in the field
I have since discovered it is now called Centennial Park.  20 hectares of rolling hills and gullies.  http://www.rdc.govt.nz/our-city/Parksandreserves/Pages/Centennial-Park.aspx
The grass was long enough for the ninjas to practise their stealth. 
Maple Grove and Mt Ngongotaha in the distance
Anneke wandered all the way to the Maple grove while she was waiting for Erik to cook the bacon and eggs.
Tighe telling another ninja tale...
 The Tree Trust is only a few minutes walk from home, and we ride the bikes in the gullies and paddocks. 
A wonderful place for the urchins to explore, and the trees change colour with the seasons. 
Oscar with his superhero cape
Regardless of when we visit, The Tree Trust has something new for us to see.
 Quinn and Tighe would have rather continued hiding in the long grass instead of going home.

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